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  • Writer's pictureMitchell Hurley

Twelve Monkeys (1995)

Have you seen Twelve Monkeys? If you haven't then go watch it. An intense neo-noir sci-fi thriller that will keep you intrigued from the minute go. WARNING: Contains Spoilers!

The year is 1996... 99% of the human race is wiped out due to a deadly colourless gas that is released into the atmosphere across the world. No. Wait a minute.

The year is 2035... 1% of the human race are living underground, researching and investigating the disease that wiped out the human race. James Cole is sent into the past to investigate further. But...

The year is 1990... James Cole has been sent to the wrong year and finds himself locked within the confines of a mental asylum. Pleading for his escape in order to find a cure to the disease, he is restrained under further investigation and is deemed 'crazy' or 'insane'.

Sound confusing?

"The Freedom for Animals Association on Second Avenue is the secret headquarters of the Army of the Twelve Monkeys. They are the ones who are going to do it. I can’t do anymore. I have to go now. Have a Merry Christmas”

Although a confusing plot, Terry Gilliam has created an extremely clever and stylish neo-noir thriller that will keep you alert right from the beginning. Featuring an exceptional cast of Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt, Gilliam gently builds character relationships and motives as the plot begins to thicken. Nominated for the Best Actor in a supporting role, Brad Pitt certainly deserved this nominee. A hyperactive mental patient that is constantly either moving or talking. Method acting was certainly used for one special performance. And then Bruce Willis on the top of his acting game, as his character struggles to distinguish the difference between the past, present and future.

I don't want to truly spoil the plot as this film needs to be seen with a blank canvas. Nevertheless, this could be one of the best twists within the history of cinema. Although its not the twist itself that is brilliant, however it is the way it is executed. Twelve Monkeys understands the truth behind a pre-destination paradox, and how the past cannot be changed. The only alteration that can be made is travelling back in the past to improve the future. As they say... "The future is history".

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